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Researcher's profile

Ansaldo Ana Inés


Thème primaireInnovation socialeThèmes secondairesInterventions et santé durableNeurosciences du vieillissement

Contact information

Centre de recherche, IUGM 4545 chemin Queen-Mary Montréal, Québec Canada H3W 1W5 Bureau : M5815
(514) 340-3540 #3933


Dre Ansaldo obtained a Ph.D in Biomedical Sciences at the Université de Montréal, and received Post-doctoral training, at McGill University.S he has been awarded several prices including  the Institute of Aging Special Prize, the Premio Venezia, the Prix excellence en recherche clinique de l’Association des établissements de réadaptation en déficience physique du Québec (AERDPQ) the Prix d’excellence du Centre de réadaptation Lucie Bruneau and the Royal Bank of Canada Excellence Award.

Dr. Ansaldo is a Full professor at the École d’orthophonie et d’audiologie, of the Université de Montréal. She is responsible for the Neuroscience of Ageing Axis at the CRIUGM, where she also heads the Laboratoire de Langage Communication et Vieillissement, hosting national and international students.  Dr. Ansaldo is a member of the Academy of Aphasia, and contributes to the Global Council on Brain Health (GCBH), ARDSI(Alzheimer’s and Related Disorders Society of India), and a number of national and international Non-profit organizations.  

Research interests

Dre Ansaldo focuses on the aging brain and language processing. She combines functional magnetic resonance imaging with tools from cognitive neuropsychology and communication sciences and disorders, so as to study neuroplasticity mechanisms supporting the recovery of language abilities, disrupted by stroke or dementia. Dre Ansaldo is as well interested in the impact of bilingualism on aging, in particular with regards to the cognitive and neural profiles of elderly bilinguals. Her team also develops evidence-based technological assessment and communication support tools, for impaired elderly populations.